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Emmanuel Odotei

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Expert
Emmanuel Odotei
35 Years
+233 26 259 0413

Emmanuel Odotei Biography

A veteran water, sanitation, and hygiene expert with more than 30 years of experience in the sector. He has worked with a number of international organizations including USAID, World Vision (Northern Sudan), Tearfund Southern Sudan and World Vision (Ghana). He has high- profile experience in both software and hardware in the Water, Sanitation and Social Behavior Change industry. He has core expertise in Design, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of both urban and rural Water supply, Environmental Sanitarian, Hygiene Promotion and Social Behavior Change Communication and design of field materials, Health Education, Social Mobilization, Community Mobilization and Sensitization, Rural Water Supply/Hand Pump Maintenance Training, staff capacity building, gender mainstreaming and development, Nutrition, Child Sponsorship, program facilitation skills and Peace Building Initiatives.


Emmanuel has always been in leadership positions for several years. Emmanuel has worked in Ghana, Niger and Northern and Southern Sudan as expatriate in the Relief and Development industry. Emmanuel is presently working with United States Agency for International Development as Water, Sanitation and Hygiene Promotion Management Specialist for the Mission in Ghana. Emmanuel worked feverishly on the Water Development Alliance under the Global Development Alliance with Rotary International including other Private Sector organizations and the Coca Cola Company to leverage resources for the benefit of over 300,000 populations in five regions in Ghana.

He has strong Project Management experience designing and implementing developmental programs. He has led and managed long-term projects and contracts providing oversight, technical direction, and budget supervision. His expertise as a project manager includes managing technical scope, cost, schedule, procurements and mitigating risks of development projects. He has experience managing and working with diverse teams in multidiscipline organizational environment. He is also skilled in managing expectations and requirements of stakeholders and delivering on project results.  For technical assignments he draws on his planning, analytical, communication and “people” skills to achieve objectives. He has excellent communication skills, both verbal and written and has produced a number of technical and project reports. Mr. Odotei has a Master’s degree in Environmental Health from University of Dundee, Scotland-United Kingdom


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