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professional network team and Associates

Nature Today utilizes a cutting-edge “Network Model” approach, bolstered by a team of highly skilled professionals and associates. This model stands as a potent strategy for harmonizing diverse and complementary skills and expertise. It seamlessly integrates technical professionals hailing from various geographical regions, uniting them in pursuit of a shared business and impact vision. This collaborative synergy drives Nature Today’s mission forward, harnessing the collective power of these exceptional individuals to create meaningful change.

Meet Our Team

In the present era, we acknowledge the distinctiveness and diversity inherent in every project, system, community, and individual we collaborate with. This requires our team members to represent our complex work not only through professional experience and knowledge but also through lived experience and identity. It takes people of all backgrounds and identities to successfully and sustainably execute our mission while addressing the racial imbalance in our industry and systemic racism more broadly.

Peter Koranchie-Boah

Environmental Expert

Emily Odoi

Advisor: Product Lead and Information Management Systems

Prof. Angela Dziedzom Akorsu

Livelihoods, Gender and Diversity Expert

Prof. Frederick Ato Armah

Environmental Expert

Emmanuel Odotei

Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Expert

Bernard Ekumah

Environmental and Geo-spatial Expert
Harriet Acquaye

Harriet Acquaye

Agri-business Expert
Rebecca Dodoo

Rebecca Dodoo

Financial Management Specialist
Nana Fredua-Agyeman

Nana Fredua-Agyeman

Research, Monitoring and Evaluation Expert

Meimuna Diakite

Outreach and Events Specialist

Ing. Prof. Amos Tiereyangn Kabo-Bah

Hydrology and Geospatial Science Expert

What People Say About Our Company and Team

We continually experiment. We fail quickly and productively. We use data and feedback to guide our course.

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